After a 20 month battle with Social Security Disability Administration a win came in on my daughter's 10th birthday, March 1st. A permission slip was granted for a life to be rebuilt after 4 years of devastation from chronic illnesses. January 2011 rang in the New Year with a new and hopefully final diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Immune Disorder and XMRV.
It has been a lot to digest, with finally an answer to why I have lost my control of my life to an illness that no one understands yet can diagnosis correctly. The reality of what life style changes have to be made now, to have the financial funding to make those changes is where we begin this journey.
This blog will be about all. All that needs to come from inside of me out. Whether it will be fun, art, art history, getting on a soap box for my aches and pains to announcing XMRV to the world... It will be part of my road to recovery.
Oddly enough despite what I have been through in this lifetime, I have experienced more than most in one life time. A friend from high school after just finding me 2 years ago said "you have lived 1000 lifetimes in 1 life."
Maybe that's why my immune system finally broke down and has me driving a lap top from my couch in Spoleto, Italy versus a career driving me around in the USA.