Watch President Obama's TV address announcing the news making world history!
Thank you to all the soldiers who have been injured or gave their lives to our freedom. Thank you to their families who have suffered the greatest lost by losing their loved ones early or for caring for their disabled returning family members.
Civilized past participle, past tense of civ·i·lize (Verb)
1. Bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced: "a civilized society".
I have spoken to quite a few Italians and they all seem to be very happy about Bin Laden's death. They are unclear on some choices the USA made. Possibly their translations of the story did not deliver enough information in Italian.
A simple explanation of why the burial at sea... and why the direction the USA took with a Muslim burial.
Bin Laden's body was ported back to the USA Navy ship to be DNA analyzed against Bin Laden's sister’s DNA. In addition, one of his four wives positively identified Bin Laden body.
"A different international country" was asked by America to take his body and "that country said, NO THANKS." To be buried on land, where ever it would be could serve as an international pilgrimage site for his current and future terrorists.
Bin Laden was given the minimally politically correct Muslim burial, which was more than our 3000 + 911 victims received.It appears to me that President Obama was being the "bigger man" while serving a slice of humble pie to Bin Ladens' supporters.
Remember, we are still are war. Our soldiers and TV reporters get dragged through the street dead or beheaded on live video. We tried to bring a moral decency to be a more advanced “a civilized society” but not forgetting we are at war.
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