Genre: - Comedy, Romance, Mystery, science-fiction-and-fantasy
The wry, comic romantic tale follows the Owens sisters, Sally and Gillian, as they struggle to use their hereditary gift for practical magic to overcome the obstacles in discovering true love.
I chose the movie image above because it is a story of 3 sisters, THE OWENS SISTERS... in reality, we were 5 sisters by birth and 1 semi adopted foster sister growing up in this home of abuse. The sisters in this movie are trying to cast and un-cast spells to break the witch craft and evil events of their families past. SO for this, the movie was totally a good fit!
I was 20 years old when an outside professional wanted to bring to my attention that the war zone of a family I was raised in was really, really screwed up!
I was not even open to discussing as the entire ICE AGE in my heart was the only way I knew. Image all the years and dollars I have spent trying to find me, trying to understand why I am the way I am, and why I have carried so many things I didn't even remember the events of...
But my subconscious remembered and my body remembered but I, "Frances" could not. Maybe the whole idea of legally changing my name form FRANCES ELIZABETH to FRANCESCA ELISABETTA was part of my subconscious escape plan...
This issues discussed here will be real, blunt, honest and desperate at times, though that is not my life now. I have been spending a life time remembering the unbearable through darkness of body memory flash backs, and nightmares.
In this mini series touches of TABOO in different parts, I will unload my body of the guilt I have carried that was not mine.
Hopefully at some time the subconscoius suicidal ideation will leave with it. It was a bad habit I picked up early to say, I will either survive and rise above the abuse or I will end it.
At 49.5 years old, I am not afraid to be honest. I have always been honest but NO ONE wants YOU to talk about suicidal problems. What would they prefer... to find their child, their wife, their husband or mother at the bottom of out infamous bridge? The suicides here off of our brings are ringing in too many to count, and that's just this year. Then time sit by the history of this bridge...
I will stick myself out there for those who have this inner suffering like me.
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